Work from home: experiences and feelings #End of 5th grade

Work from home experience.

Many schools, businesses, and company's, have been shut down because of the coronavarius pandemic. This is just my perspective about the Pro's and Con's about this.


  • You get time to have breaks, and work at your own pace, you also get plenty of time with your family.
  • You learn to be creative, and learn how to lay out stress.
  • You feel peacful of not getting contaminated by big health issues.
  • You can do things which you usually don't have time to do.
  • You can try out new things (like staying fit mentally and physically).


  • Usuallly, businesses and schools require you to use a lot of eyepower, which can be damaging.
  • Your stress levels can go up.
  • You can't really connect to your friends without a source of technology
Well this is just a tiny review about what I think Working from home feels like.

Hope you share your thoughts on this in the comments below, see you soon!



  1. Very nice thought biwat .. yes this is a very unique experience we human being are facing .

  2. I accidentally put 3 L's in usually


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