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Code, Chapter 2: Codes and Combinations~~~Book Club

 Code, Chapter 2: Codes and Combinations~~~Book Club     Okay, before we head into Chapter 2 of the book code, let me tell you a short summary of Chapter 1, which is also known as best friends. Chapter 1 was basically an intro to Morse code, it tells us how morse code very useful in certain circumstances. The chapter also gives us a basic understanding of code itself, code, if written on a computer, is just a way humans interact with machines. Now, let's dive right in! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     Now, say for example you are a coder, if you are, then you will find that writing code is actually easier than translating it. This is so because translations show commands, then the computer code. The same logic applies to Morse Code.     The problem is we have a table that provides the translation following:     Alphabetical letter ---> Morse code dots and dashes     But, we don't h...

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